latest 6 messages by demo

+ [2015-02-24T23:09:31Z] demo VxJasonxV thank you :)
+ [2015-02-24T23:03:01Z] demo I was curious why it is not indexed, as someone might have use of this code.. :)
+ [2015-02-24T23:02:20Z] demo VxJasonxV: my fork is not indexed anywhere.. - updated version of liferay in docker environment with mysql only deploy.
+ [2015-02-24T22:58:06Z] demo VxJasonxV oh, didn't knew that, thank you very much!
+ [2015-02-24T22:54:15Z] demo forked* lol
+ [2015-02-24T22:53:17Z] demo Hello, i forget repo from github,made changes via web interface due to proxy restrictions,etc.. However my repository is not indexed on search, does anyone know a reason why a repo is not indexed?