latest 6 messages by derrzzaa

+ [2013-12-01T16:06:09Z] derrzzaa it's in the docs as exclude: [DIR, FILE, ...]
+ [2013-12-01T16:04:06Z] derrzzaa gave that a go but didn't work
+ [2013-12-01T15:37:24Z] derrzzaa any ideas?
+ [2013-12-01T15:37:12Z] derrzzaa there's an exclude: command for the conf file, for which i put 'exclude: node_modules'. this didn't work though
+ [2013-12-01T15:36:38Z] derrzzaa I'm trying to prevent the node_modules folder being copied into the _site folder
+ [2013-12-01T15:36:13Z] derrzzaa hey guys and gals