latest 8 messages by devth

+ [2016-06-01T17:24:34Z] devth i can't create accounts in my enterprise github, so I have to configure 1 key for each repo on my jenkins box. ridiculous.
+ [2016-06-01T17:17:35Z] devth why oh why can't the same deploy key be added to multiple repos, or even an org?
+ [2016-03-09T22:16:51Z] devth i want to be able to link to a specific line using e.g. #L12
+ [2016-03-09T22:16:07Z] devth is there a special url param or something to view markdown as code instead of rendered in github?
+ [2015-05-19T18:25:07Z] devth fixed: typogruby: false. thanks :)
+ [2015-05-19T18:23:04Z] devth it looks like it uses Typogruby, which does that:
+ [2015-05-19T18:21:04Z] devth i use Pypedown for markdown. config:
+ [2015-05-19T18:20:44Z] devth any idea why jekyll is inserting   at the end of some of my lines? makes the text flow unnaturally.