latest 20 messages by dgriffi

+ [2016-06-11T06:44:06Z] dgriffi hello
+ [2016-05-07T05:33:25Z] dgriffi elh9: pick up the Oreilly git book
+ [2016-05-07T05:32:07Z] dgriffi yeah.
+ [2016-05-07T05:30:53Z] dgriffi elh9: in that case, tag your master in case you want to go back for some reason. then do a "git reset <sha>" to where you want to be. Then continue on from there.
+ [2016-05-07T05:29:12Z] dgriffi VxJasonxV: revert is simply a commit that takes you back to some previous point
+ [2016-05-07T05:28:45Z] dgriffi elh9: also, install gitk. it makes visualizing things a lot easier
+ [2016-05-07T05:28:25Z] dgriffi elh9: if you just want to examine, say, the commit previous to master, you do "git checkout HEAD^"
+ [2016-05-07T05:28:00Z] dgriffi elh9: what VxJasonxV suggested is how to make the master point somewhere else
+ [2016-05-07T05:26:36Z] dgriffi elh9: what do you mean?
+ [2016-05-07T05:26:21Z] dgriffi greetings programs!
+ [2016-04-20T08:23:25Z] dgriffi well, for one, before the change, mistigri.js has CRLF as line terminators. After the change, they're just LF (unix standard)
+ [2016-04-20T08:19:28Z] dgriffi jjido: your text editor might have added or deleted trailing whitespace without telling you
+ [2016-04-20T08:19:10Z] dgriffi jjido: check your before and after for changes in whitespace
+ [2016-03-21T08:14:31Z] dgriffi craptalk: what's your association with github?
+ [2016-03-21T07:58:54Z] dgriffi craptalk: I sent in some applications a couple weeks ago and haven't heard from them since
+ [2016-03-21T07:35:41Z] dgriffi how hard is it to get hired at github?
+ [2016-03-09T23:16:30Z] dgriffi GrandePuffo: press the button to create a new repo. then you'll see some instructions on what to do next
+ [2016-03-08T03:41:30Z] dgriffi milki: I was just wondering how long it takes for the recruiting process to go through
+ [2016-03-08T02:43:57Z] dgriffi does anyone here work for github?
+ [2016-03-07T23:09:18Z] dgriffi how quickly does Github move on job applications?