latest 20 messages by diimdeep

+ [2015-02-27T14:48:37Z] diimdeep Hello. Can local repo branches -> to github forks ? Or it does not make sense ?
+ [2014-11-04T18:56:29Z] diimdeep find abotu it in variables, but no solution
+ [2014-11-04T18:53:10Z] diimdeep on single page if iterate trough posts and pages and use {{page.content}} and {{post.content}}, why {{page.content}} outputs raw markdown not html
+ [2014-11-04T16:56:42Z] diimdeep sorted_for plugin
+ [2014-11-04T16:08:53Z] diimdeep jaybe: is it possible to get reference to post object ? i need not only title url but content and date
+ [2014-11-04T15:56:21Z] diimdeep i have no solution :D
+ [2014-11-04T15:54:27Z] diimdeep no offence but this sollution sucks
+ [2014-11-04T15:52:42Z] diimdeep gosh i cant make computer to do what i want
+ [2014-11-04T15:51:14Z] diimdeep titles have spaces, i cant just split them with split(' ')
+ [2014-11-04T15:49:13Z] diimdeep jaybe: after capture should i iterate on sorted strings and use them as key to get pages
+ [2014-11-04T15:46:16Z] diimdeep jaybe: you example shows how to sort strings of categories, I don't know how to adapt this to sort objects(pages) by attribute(title)
+ [2014-11-04T15:41:14Z] diimdeep any advice ?
+ [2014-11-04T15:40:59Z] diimdeep i don't really know how liquid works in context of ruby variables..
+ [2014-11-04T15:39:29Z] diimdeep {% assign sortedposts = posts | split:' ' | sort %}
+ [2014-11-04T15:38:17Z] diimdeep Liquid Exception: undefined method `split' for #<Array:0x007f875c072868> in _layouts/posts_in_category.html
+ [2014-11-04T15:35:03Z] diimdeep jaybe: not categories but posts in category