latest 8 messages by discipolo

+ [2013-08-06T20:59:44Z] discipolo how would i add some text to the category pages generated by category-generator? a category description between title and posts?
+ [2013-08-06T16:50:21Z] discipolo guess this might be me
+ [2013-08-06T16:18:41Z] discipolo is there a flag i can use for rake preview that will give me a more verbose output for debugging?
+ [2013-08-06T16:17:32Z] discipolo i try to do the same thing with octopress i did with only jekyll, but am failing on the first plugin
+ [2013-08-06T16:16:54Z] discipolo but that seems normal
+ [2013-08-06T16:16:32Z] discipolo when i change a project file terminal says its regenerating, same for the template in _includes, but not when i save the plugin..
+ [2013-08-06T16:14:28Z] discipolo no errors. just that 1. on the jekyllonly site i run jekyll serve and it works, on octopess i run rake preview (cause serve doesnt serve to localhost, only rebuilds for whatever reason) i get the page that should list everything in _projects but the ul is empty.
+ [2013-08-06T15:52:01Z] discipolo can someone possibly give me some advice why a jekyll plugin would not work with octopress even though it works nicely with normal jekyll? this the right place to ask? the plugin in question is i am new to octopressing ...