latest 20 messages by disconnected

+ [2016-11-11T17:56:03Z] disconnected but im not sure whether thats the best idea.
+ [2016-11-11T17:55:59Z] disconnected i was thinking about making two collections
+ [2016-11-11T17:55:53Z] disconnected or ... what is the best way to distinguish between posts in two languages?
+ [2016-11-11T17:55:15Z] disconnected does each colletion has categories?
+ [2016-11-10T13:32:30Z] disconnected nickjj: no idea but maybe {% raw %}
+ [2016-11-10T07:57:18Z] disconnected afair it doesnt use it by default
+ [2016-11-10T07:57:07Z] disconnected somiaj: that's stupid but have you configured jekyll to use pygments?
+ [2016-11-09T17:32:04Z] disconnected ok.. updated jekyll to 3.x and it works.
+ [2016-11-09T17:09:27Z] disconnected (because the html gets executed instead of escaped)
+ [2016-11-09T17:08:59Z] disconnected and... how do i put html code in ``` ``` code blocks?
+ [2016-11-09T16:10:36Z] disconnected maybe; imho one shouldnt be able to use template syntax inside code blocks
+ [2016-11-09T16:09:01Z] disconnected but... that works, thanks @captn3mo
+ [2016-11-09T16:07:38Z] disconnected someone should really fix this :\
+ [2016-11-09T16:03:42Z] disconnected "Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error: Tag '{%' was not properly terminated with regexp: /\%\}/ in ..."