latest 5 messages by divBy0

+ [2015-02-01T19:03:14Z] divBy0 tobiasvl: awesome, thanks :)
+ [2015-02-01T19:01:37Z] divBy0 tobiasvl: so then who would use git locally? developers who want to put their software on github?
+ [2015-02-01T18:59:28Z] divBy0 Guys: ive been reading about it i just don't quite get it. its just a place for people to control and document version integrity?
+ [2015-02-01T18:57:24Z] divBy0 what is git?
+ [2015-01-23T19:26:46Z] divBy0 hi, anyone know if you can run openbay on a local server while still being able to search and download torrents