latest 9 messages by djMax

+ [2016-09-23T02:17:08Z] djMax I see, that just limits the result down the hash
+ [2016-09-23T02:15:53Z] djMax not sure what they mean by that VND header, I get results without it
+ [2016-09-23T02:15:42Z] djMax that seems to be it, thanks!
+ [2016-09-23T02:13:56Z] djMax I don't even see an API for getting a tag without already having the sha
+ [2016-09-23T02:13:03Z] djMax how?
+ [2016-09-23T02:09:38Z] djMax yet github displays a hash in the UI...
+ [2016-09-23T02:09:27Z] djMax target_commitish is master, which doesn't help me
+ [2016-09-23T02:09:17Z] djMax the hash is missing
+ [2016-09-23T01:54:58Z] djMax How does one get the commit hash for a release from the API?