latest 6 messages by dlazar

+ [2013-09-19T17:37:08Z] dlazar I see this configuration: simple_search:
+ [2013-09-19T17:34:24Z] dlazar My site works. Have some posts. Using Search just redirects to Google? How does one setup Octopress to provide search results of the posts?
+ [2013-07-02T17:15:15Z] dlazar happy summer to you
+ [2013-07-02T17:15:10Z] dlazar nice..!
+ [2013-07-02T17:14:44Z] dlazar Ola!
+ [2013-07-02T17:10:23Z] dlazar Hi, looking for some Haml tips. I replaced my index.html in source/ with index.haml, but it's complaining about illegal nesting.