latest 20 messages by dm7freek

+ [2015-07-20T23:53:49Z] dm7freek well, you could have both :)
+ [2015-07-20T23:49:55Z] dm7freek knows what you mean tho
+ [2015-07-20T23:49:42Z] dm7freek i do! maybe they will fix them for me :)
+ [2015-07-20T23:49:17Z] dm7freek (scroll to the bottom)
+ [2015-07-20T23:49:13Z] dm7freek todd_dsm_: you're basically looking to do something like this: right?
+ [2015-07-20T23:48:34Z] dm7freek not sure how github pages interacts with private repos, but gh-pages branch may still be an option
+ [2015-07-20T23:47:26Z] dm7freek private repo?
+ [2015-07-20T23:47:20Z] dm7freek is 404 ?
+ [2015-07-20T23:46:18Z] dm7freek well.... | sh
+ [2015-07-20T23:46:03Z] dm7freek then download via
+ [2015-07-20T23:45:50Z] dm7freek is to commit to a branch names gh-pages
+ [2015-07-20T23:45:42Z] dm7freek so how i have done this before
+ [2015-07-20T23:45:37Z] dm7freek lol gotcha
+ [2015-07-20T23:45:33Z] dm7freek follows the link
+ [2015-07-20T23:45:13Z] dm7freek todd_dsm_: uhh, not sure what you mean, but i think i know what you're trying to do... what does the tiny url point to?
+ [2015-07-20T23:41:02Z] dm7freek todd_dsm_: lets you i think