latest 20 messages by dmiles_afk

+ [2015-09-22T15:31:39Z] dmiles_afk in the .gitattrbutes
+ [2015-09-22T15:31:27Z] dmiles_afk (i the evil one.. not github)
+ [2015-09-22T15:31:14Z] dmiles_afk ack evil.. i just now trying.. PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/plarkc/ linguist-language=Markdown
+ [2015-09-22T15:26:27Z] dmiles_afk right it should not, though there are tricks maybe to make it do so?
+ [2015-09-22T15:25:17Z] dmiles_afk or would the file extension need to be .md ?
+ [2015-09-22T15:24:46Z] dmiles_afk line 125 for example
+ [2015-09-22T15:23:42Z] dmiles_afk like from blob at
+ [2015-09-22T15:22:58Z] dmiles_afk is there a way to make an arbitrary file with any file exesion be displayed as if markdown?
+ [2015-06-15T08:38:50Z] dmiles_afk renamed: pack/logicmoo_nlu/OLD_logicmoo/ -> pack/ref_unused/HIDE_OLD_logicmoo/
+ [2015-06-15T08:38:39Z] dmiles_afk ahah it thinks i am renaming one at least
+ [2015-06-15T08:34:43Z] dmiles_afk but when i do that someones going to be declared to be deleted
+ [2015-06-15T08:34:24Z] dmiles_afk at first i think i can pretend to git mv them
+ [2015-06-15T08:33:49Z] dmiles_afk here and here
+ [2015-06-15T08:32:56Z] dmiles_afk thats actualyl what i did.. and when i got done i reliazed that there was two pdigrees of the same files
+ [2015-06-15T08:30:05Z] dmiles_afk at this very moment the files are identical.. so at least they'd end up the same
+ [2015-06-15T08:29:27Z] dmiles_afk like maybe order by the date?
+ [2015-06-15T08:29:10Z] dmiles_afk i have two directories contraining the same files.. they have slightly differnt histories.. can i somehow manage to merge te two sets of histries?
+ [2015-06-13T06:15:46Z] dmiles_afk i see i can at elast count my users on one hand
+ [2015-06-13T06:14:26Z] dmiles_afk somethng as simple as: git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm filename' HEAD