latest 15 messages by dmison

+ [2013-12-06T01:52:26Z] dmison but you can just have the html of those sections inline with the markdown
+ [2013-12-06T01:52:06Z] dmison if you wanted to rewrite them as markdown ... then that gets harder because of the "live demo" nature of some of the content
+ [2013-12-06T01:51:35Z] dmison opscoding: AFAIK existing HTML pages could just be copied straight over as is ... jekyll will just copy them straight into the built site without changing them
+ [2013-12-02T05:46:37Z] dmison or you could just put a page at the URL in question with a <meta redirect> tag in <head> ?
+ [2013-12-02T05:45:32Z] dmison
+ [2013-12-02T05:45:13Z] dmison datapolitical: perhaps a modification of the alias generator plugin ?
+ [2013-12-02T00:46:57Z] dmison well, template and content changes at least I think, not config
+ [2013-12-02T00:46:08Z] dmison osxorgate: "jekyll serve -w" should build when changes are detected AFAIK
+ [2013-05-13T03:34:04Z] dmison ah History.markdown , just found it ;-) awesome
+ [2013-05-13T03:30:41Z] dmison hey are there any release notes or anything for each release ?
+ [2013-05-12T23:40:15Z] dmison yeah, a bit hit and miss
+ [2013-05-12T23:38:40Z] dmison now that's what I'm talking about
+ [2013-05-12T23:38:22Z] dmison mojobot image Nightmare Moon
+ [2013-05-12T23:38:07Z] dmison lolz, not what I had in mind
+ [2013-05-12T23:37:44Z] dmison mojobot image ponies