latest 9 messages by dockler

+ [2016-10-16T23:02:16Z] dockler Jordy: wild guess: git pull origin master and git fetch origin master? :D
+ [2016-10-16T21:17:19Z] dockler Zarthus: of course! I just hoped by highlighting someone answers me :/
+ [2016-10-16T21:13:37Z] dockler Zarthus: any way finding out whether someone unstarred my repo? is there any way?
+ [2016-10-16T21:12:15Z] dockler Zarthus: Are un-star events also shown in timeline? Or only the starring events? :)
+ [2016-10-16T21:11:57Z] dockler Zarthus: hi
+ [2016-10-16T21:09:12Z] dockler hi anyone here? :)
+ [2016-10-16T19:36:17Z] dockler I don't know whether I ever experienced that - are un-starrings also listed or only the starrings?