latest 20 messages by dopie

+ [2015-03-09T06:47:24Z] dopie anyone here awake?
+ [2015-01-16T04:52:58Z] dopie how do i make a block around the text like a notice bar?
+ [2015-01-16T04:52:50Z] dopie had a quick question
+ [2015-01-16T04:52:46Z] dopie jaybe, u sitll up?
+ [2015-01-16T04:30:31Z] dopie capistrano 3.0.0 is a rewrite and does not work with this gem, use rvm1/capistrano3 it will be extended to match this gem functionality.
+ [2015-01-16T04:30:31Z] dopie rvm-capistrano 1.3.0 with Autolibs requires at least RVM 1.19.0.
+ [2015-01-16T04:30:31Z] dopie Compatibility
+ [2015-01-16T04:29:55Z] dopie
+ [2015-01-16T04:29:45Z] dopie yep
+ [2015-01-16T03:23:02Z] dopie jaybe, it was a capistrano rvm thing
+ [2015-01-16T00:25:21Z] dopie no not really i dont really grasp what it does
+ [2015-01-16T00:20:59Z] dopie linux
+ [2015-01-16T00:20:54Z] dopie ubuntu 12.04
+ [2015-01-16T00:17:22Z] dopie no sir
+ [2015-01-16T00:17:10Z] dopie lets see
+ [2015-01-16T00:15:59Z] dopie is where its at
+ [2015-01-16T00:15:56Z] dopie /home/deployer/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/jekyll
+ [2015-01-16T00:15:41Z] dopie jaybe, i installed it through gem install jekyll i think
+ [2015-01-15T23:17:54Z] dopie how do i make it find it?
+ [2015-01-15T23:17:50Z] dopie its not finding my jekyll