latest 5 messages by dowwie

+ [2015-03-09T15:00:02Z] dowwie I'm running git in ubuntu 14.04. aptitude upgrade isn't returning any newer version . how do I know whether I'm using the secured, updated git that reflects post-vulnerability patch?
+ [2015-03-05T15:47:48Z] dowwie shoot.
+ [2015-03-05T15:35:22Z] dowwie how do I search for ":example:" on github? can't escape this correctly
+ [2015-03-04T19:24:24Z] dowwie jaybe: my results thus far: and I'm trying to reproduce:
+ [2015-03-04T19:07:57Z] dowwie I've spent too many hours today trying to deploy from a jekyll project to my page . I'm trying to take a fork of this site and use it for my own. I don't know what step I'm missing..