latest 20 messages by dp

+ [2015-08-12T16:39:40Z] dp is there a way to see who just created a repository?
+ [2015-07-02T07:57:29Z] dp Github installation failure "Application validation did not succeed. Unable to continue". I am trying to install on personal laptop on windows 8 and the windows firewall are deactivated. Please help.
+ [2013-11-27T20:03:18Z] dp thanks a million
+ [2013-11-27T20:03:11Z] dp it did
+ [2013-11-27T19:59:47Z] dp awesome
+ [2013-11-27T19:58:21Z] dp site.config['authors']
+ [2013-11-27T19:56:41Z] dp any thoughts on how to get it then?
+ [2013-11-27T19:55:54Z] dp why wouldn't the rest of it?
+ [2013-11-27T19:55:42Z] dp but site.posts does
+ [2013-11-27T19:55:27Z] dp here's essentially what I'm doing:
+ [2013-11-27T19:54:37Z] dp it's just a class that extends Generator
+ [2013-11-27T19:51:01Z] dp thoughts?
+ [2013-11-27T19:50:35Z] dp I have a generator to post a tweet with a new post. in my def generate(site), I'm trying to access site.authors, but it's not there
+ [2013-11-27T19:49:56Z] dp ok; yeah, this is related to a plugin
+ [2013-11-27T19:49:11Z] dp I'll have to do some more digging
+ [2013-11-27T19:49:06Z] dp ah, that goes on jekyll, not on the rake. it's in a plugin that I have.
+ [2013-11-27T19:47:28Z] dp as far as that goes though... Generating... error: undefined method `authors' for #<Jekyll::Site:0x000000018e6268>. Use --trace to view backtrace
+ [2013-11-27T19:47:17Z] dp understood; I actually like it in _config.yml.
+ [2013-11-27T19:46:19Z] dp so is wrong?
+ [2013-11-27T19:45:24Z] dp hrm