latest 20 messages by drathir

+ [2014-08-30T15:31:38Z] drathir i mean about work on project selected files some kind of updating project by adding functions and its better to working at master or maybe better create a branch for that and working on that branch and merge the changes with master when needed?
+ [2014-08-30T15:28:35Z] drathir using git branches is a good behaviours?
+ [2014-08-30T15:26:29Z] drathir !branches
+ [2014-08-30T15:25:59Z] drathir !ping
+ [2014-08-08T16:54:14Z] drathir popcarzz: maybe fw rules?
+ [2014-08-07T14:22:30Z] drathir or is set different key for * in ssh config file...
+ [2014-08-07T11:33:03Z] drathir Nemin32: and ofc a little patience needed...
+ [2014-08-07T11:32:20Z] drathir Nemin32: will be easier to someone help You if askin a question...
+ [2014-07-09T08:51:37Z] drathir mornin...
+ [2014-07-08T22:02:54Z] drathir oh i see now that give only read access to all account but only write access to chosed one...
+ [2014-07-08T22:02:02Z] drathir its normal that deploy key from one repository works also with other one forked repository?
+ [2014-07-08T09:56:40Z] drathir offby1: thanks i will check that...
+ [2014-07-08T03:00:11Z] drathir is any possibility that files will be sent to own forked repository but will be not sent to oryginal one?
+ [2014-07-07T20:21:43Z] drathir Bigpet: thanks if im little more know about i will be search where is problem but that no even idea where to start...
+ [2014-07-07T20:06:53Z] drathir but oryginal one dont have a problems when i do that? not more secure some like force make mine the same like is oryginal one and again edit files with changes made by me?
+ [2014-07-07T19:53:00Z] drathir nullie: i think i messup my fork how in easiest way to start again from fesh?
+ [2014-07-07T18:42:58Z] drathir nullie: not helped i think i have broken my fork
+ [2014-07-07T18:04:37Z] drathir nullie: im sorry for a lot of questions but its my start with git...
+ [2014-07-07T18:04:03Z] drathir nullie: is easy way to eg. retrive that file from oryginal one repository? or is needed git mergetool ?
+ [2014-07-07T18:00:19Z] drathir nullie: