latest 10 messages by dregad

+ [2014-10-27T22:50:52Z] dregad because before we kicked the guy out, he closed a series of other, valid PRs
+ [2014-10-27T22:50:23Z] dregad anyway i'll try e-mailing support
+ [2014-10-27T22:50:16Z] dregad and they do represent 5 pages of pull requests so it is annoying when browsing them
+ [2014-10-27T22:49:06Z] dregad for that and other misbehaviors
+ [2014-10-27T22:48:59Z] dregad FWIW, the co-worker was kicked from the team
+ [2014-10-27T22:47:59Z] dregad I want them *deleted* not closed as they are just clutter
+ [2014-10-27T22:47:40Z] dregad VxJasonxV thanks for responding - I'm aware they can be closed, in fact I've already done that
+ [2014-10-27T22:11:56Z] dregad a (former) team member used some script and ended up creating over 100 pull requests
+ [2014-10-27T22:10:16Z] dregad would like to know if there is a way to permanently delete pull requests
+ [2014-10-27T22:09:52Z] dregad greetings, any githubbers around ?