latest 5 messages by driftypixel

+ [2017-06-12T20:02:00Z] driftypixel jaybe: Okay. Thank you for the advice!
+ [2017-06-12T20:00:11Z] driftypixel jaybe: I've read them. If I've missed the point I will read them again. One question; would I need to change the baseurl on any windows computer that I copied the site onto?
+ [2017-06-12T19:58:26Z] driftypixel jaybe: Do I need to wrap that in {{ }} ? I have baseurl and url. url is also blank, but when I insert ./fs baseurl I still have the same issue
+ [2017-06-12T19:48:31Z] driftypixel Hi. I've spent lots of painstaking hours building my jekyll site and it works perfectly when I run jekyll serve. I need it to be able to run from a folder on Windows, without any webserver. When I build it, none of my css works. How can I change the base url so that it kind of says "Wherever the index file is right now..."