latest 20 messages by dvl

+ [2020-07-13T00:57:33Z] dvl but knowing that anchor.....
+ [2020-07-13T00:57:16Z] dvl
+ [2020-07-13T00:57:08Z] dvl oprypin: I have seen that within examples, such as, from here, if you click on 2 changed, files, then on one of the file names:
+ [2020-07-12T23:03:50Z] dvl Hello, given the commit hash and a single filename, can I get I URL which shows the diff just for that file please? I'm failing to find this.
+ [2020-03-03T20:43:57Z] dvl Offhand, I think I have to squash those tree into one
+ [2020-03-03T20:42:54Z] dvl 9 and 10 if interested.
+ [2020-03-03T20:42:10Z] dvl I have three commits to my local repo. I can create a merge request for each one. I know how to do that. They are all related. Is a single merge request feasible? I'm trying to do this all from the website.
+ [2016-09-08T20:22:17Z] dvl cheers
+ [2016-09-08T20:20:01Z] dvl PrashantJ: I really do not know for sure.
+ [2016-09-08T20:16:03Z] dvl PrashantJ: try that.
+ [2016-09-08T19:40:55Z] dvl PrashantJ: I'm guessing based on play used on line 1
+ [2016-09-08T19:40:33Z] dvl PrashantJ: I will explain...
+ [2016-09-08T19:40:29Z] dvl PrashantJ: try: git push origin play
+ [2016-09-08T18:53:41Z] dvl I have an organization in GHE, with repos I want to push to GitHub. I'm not sure how to associate the GHE organization/repo with the Github repos I want to push to. Feels like I've not learned something I should have.
+ [2016-09-08T15:44:23Z] dvl I'm looking to see if I can configure github enterprise to use our mail server for outgoing emails, not finding that setting yet.
+ [2016-09-08T14:10:53Z] dvl Remram[m]: Thank you.
+ [2016-09-08T14:10:23Z] dvl Remram[m]: Oh, in the drop down?
+ [2016-09-08T14:09:40Z] dvl Remram[m]: I'm looking at settings/hooks, I see webhooks and services.
+ [2016-09-08T14:09:13Z] dvl Remram[m]: I appreciate taht.
+ [2016-09-08T14:07:23Z] dvl Remram[m]: My error, I meant : send out notification emails upon each commit, not 'email commit'.