latest 7 messages by dward

+ [2013-06-08T09:57:25Z] dward noob error. this is my first night with jekyll and i'm getting used to it.
+ [2013-06-08T09:56:49Z] dward figured it out:)
+ [2013-06-08T08:24:36Z] dward thanks though
+ [2013-06-08T08:24:28Z] dward so it's the gem, but i'll figure it out. I think i'm close
+ [2013-06-08T08:24:05Z] dward i'm using jekyll-haml and getting errors only with haml files, md works fine.
+ [2013-06-08T08:23:06Z] dward hmm thanks, bret
+ [2013-06-08T07:14:43Z] dward is it possible use the jekyll render index.html and other static pages?