latest 4 messages by dysoco

+ [2014-07-01T19:32:36Z] dysoco Nice, I should learn proper web development. Although I'm not really interested in web design, it's always nice to be able to put a website together.
+ [2014-07-01T19:29:46Z] dysoco Alright I'll give it a try
+ [2014-07-01T19:28:37Z] dysoco So should I use jekyll-bootstrap or just jekyll?
+ [2014-07-01T18:48:31Z] dysoco So excuse my illiteracy but the last website I wrote was in the 00s using HTML tables... I recently saw a nice Bootstrap theme I'd like to use, and was thinking of making a blog using Github Pages and Jekyll. However I was wondering if it's possible to use a custom bootstrap theme with Jekyll, since jekyll-bootstrap uses their own themes, apparently.