latest 20 messages by edge226

+ [2015-01-07T05:38:37Z] edge226 Is there any way some sort of styling might be added to the markdown wiki stuff? That would be very useful.
+ [2015-01-07T05:21:21Z] edge226 is it possible to style github wiki's with CSS or something?
+ [2014-11-27T09:42:40Z] edge226 anyways, I am off to bed. VxJasonxV thanks for trying to help :)
+ [2014-11-27T09:41:53Z] edge226 I'll just update my other script when I start working on this again so I do not randomly hit breakage and then continue on! :)
+ [2014-11-27T09:40:35Z] edge226 VxJasonxV: I made a mistake. Nothing really to tell me. Happens to the best of us :P
+ [2014-11-27T09:38:38Z] edge226 VxJasonxV: I literally did the exact same thing and got different results though.
+ [2014-11-27T09:37:52Z] edge226 VxJasonxV: I wonder why the same functionality did not happen on my previous program though
+ [2014-11-27T09:37:12Z] edge226 VxJasonxV: true. I never expected that to happen though. I am fairly proficient in bash and have programmed some fairly complex stuff.
+ [2014-11-27T09:35:49Z] edge226 VxJasonxV: Yeah, the main issue is I am newish to git. I normally only use basic stuff.
+ [2014-11-27T09:34:40Z] edge226 VxJasonxV: for some reason cd is completely failing out on me now and I really do not feel like fighting with any more code today :P
+ [2014-11-27T09:33:09Z] edge226 Ah. that makes sense!
+ [2014-11-27T09:32:35Z] edge226 I am having other oddness happen that I do not feel like debugging/troubleshooting at the moment. I have been writing docs and html and coding all day. Getting sleepy so thats it for today :)
+ [2014-11-27T09:31:07Z] edge226 I should probably update that script tomorrow to be more accurate.
+ [2014-11-27T09:30:50Z] edge226 I was originally just going to grab the line that started with "* " because I knew that would be the current branch. Then strip the "* " off the start. I did that in another script and it worked fine. That was why I found it super confusing why it did that.
+ [2014-11-27T09:29:46Z] edge226 I would not mind knowing if you know yourself.
+ [2014-11-27T09:29:09Z] edge226 no. Not at all.
+ [2014-11-27T09:28:25Z] edge226 VxJasonxV: thats all I wanted.
+ [2014-11-27T09:28:18Z] edge226 to grab the current branch.
+ [2014-11-27T09:27:54Z] edge226 which was "git symbolic-ref --short HEAD" if anyone else was interested.
+ [2014-11-27T09:27:00Z] edge226 VxJasonxV: thanks, I was given another solution in the bash channel that worked well.