latest 20 messages by edrex

+ [2013-07-16T08:36:44Z] edrex was wondering what travis-ci was doing in #pdxtech :)
+ [2013-07-16T08:36:09Z] edrex oops, wrong channel, but actually very topical :)
+ [2013-07-16T08:34:38Z] edrex article on Jekyll and, feedback wanted
+ [2013-07-16T01:54:11Z] edrex Yeah, seems like a good Dev workflow
+ [2013-07-16T01:50:54Z] edrex BTW I'm using for online editing
+ [2013-07-16T01:50:02Z] edrex Sass build, commit, push, Jekyll?
+ [2013-07-16T01:47:49Z] edrex I just think sass support would be a big improvement
+ [2013-07-16T01:47:05Z] edrex Exactly
+ [2013-07-16T01:46:51Z] edrex Yeah, aware
+ [2013-07-16T01:45:56Z] edrex The other thread was about hosting a generic build service with additional plugins that aren't in ghp's Jekyll
+ [2013-07-16T01:44:49Z] edrex Yeah, the second way is what I'm interested in, was just wondering if anyone has preferences for build tool (rake, grunt, etc)
+ [2013-07-16T01:43:04Z] edrex Sorry slow typing on a phone
+ [2013-07-16T01:42:48Z] edrex The first was about using ghp's built-in Jekyll support but manually building + committing sass -> CSS whenever the CSS changes
+ [2013-07-16T01:40:41Z] edrex There were two different threads going oh and it got a bit muddled.
+ [2013-07-15T23:00:37Z] edrex no, i'm talking about preprocessing CSS on a workstation, commiting the result, and pushing to GH, where GH's Jekyll will finish the build.
+ [2013-07-15T22:59:12Z] edrex yeah. just self-hosting the build is a barrier to most people
+ [2013-07-15T22:58:23Z] edrex the other thing is just brainstorming a service with a similar ease of use to GH's pages service, but with extended capabilities
+ [2013-07-15T22:57:04Z] edrex (for pages+jekyll sites)
+ [2013-07-15T22:56:50Z] edrex well, my original question was how other people are dealing with needing to build CSS assets offline
+ [2013-07-15T22:56:04Z] edrex or something else, like DocPad. but similarly locked-down to github