latest 20 messages by einball

+ [2014-12-06T09:23:06Z] einball Doesn't matter if you include it from the google server, does it?
+ [2014-12-06T09:22:38Z] einball include it in your template via <script>
+ [2014-12-06T09:15:58Z] einball My website build script is a bit crude .. I will have to work on it when the time is right. Exams are more important
+ [2014-12-06T09:14:05Z] einball tockitj: "Variable pagination not found" -> I quits :D
+ [2014-12-06T09:01:44Z] einball ^^'
+ [2014-12-06T09:01:39Z] einball tockitj: As is almost everything with Jekyll ... Almost .. Except pagination *shakes fist*
+ [2014-12-06T08:45:33Z] einball I would just use a {% include file.js %}
+ [2014-12-06T08:40:58Z] einball @ tockitj
+ [2014-12-06T08:40:53Z] einball Seems like the logic option ... Or you make a folder names js ...
+ [2014-12-06T08:40:40Z] einball assets or includes
+ [2014-11-23T23:06:59Z] einball Jekyll is getting sexier by the minute :)
+ [2014-11-22T00:07:15Z] einball pontiki: Raw Jekyll is a lot easier to work with. thanks.
+ [2014-11-21T23:48:54Z] einball *pours some black magic into the css file and stirs*
+ [2014-11-21T23:44:16Z] einball Aaand CSS pitfalls :)
+ [2014-11-21T23:25:20Z] einball When the CSS is up I'll try to find replacements for the JB scripts
+ [2014-11-21T23:24:59Z] einball Copypasting seems to work
+ [2014-11-21T23:07:56Z] einball I'm looking at it at the moment
+ [2014-11-21T22:56:38Z] einball Maybe I was a bit naive on starting with Jekyll Bootstrap without a proper understanding of Ruby and YAML.
+ [2014-11-21T22:54:15Z] einball Back in the old days Bootstrap was a pure CSS framework .. It shouldn't have altered the Jekyll functionality much, should it?
+ [2014-11-21T22:52:10Z] einball is giving up for today