latest 20 messages by ekkelett

+ [2014-01-04T16:14:36Z] ekkelett it bothers me though; I liked rdiscount for its implementation of abbr
+ [2014-01-04T16:10:54Z] ekkelett jaybe: oh god, I had a ridicilous typo that made redcarpet not do what I needed it to do. it's really fast, but kramdown has more extensions which is a woo for me.
+ [2014-01-04T00:26:57Z] ekkelett which made me look at other alternatives, including the best way to do abbrevations for instance
+ [2014-01-04T00:23:12Z] ekkelett jaybe, hmm, I had been using it, but setting ["smart"] as an extension to it did nil.
+ [2014-01-04T00:21:34Z] ekkelett very subjective question: what's the preferred markdown parser in here?
+ [2014-01-03T16:08:56Z] ekkelett shall do; thanks for your insight regarding linod and recommendation!
+ [2014-01-03T16:07:09Z] ekkelett yeah; for the budget vs usage I have, I can live with a bit more DYI with DO. plus, that's where the fun of having the instance is (in the beginning, as long as we're talking _small personal scale_)
+ [2014-01-03T16:04:36Z] ekkelett fair enough; I haven't looked into that very much; I know DO has snapshots, but they require taking your droplet offline and such
+ [2014-01-03T16:02:37Z] ekkelett it's rather than it currently exceeds my budget when I look at my actual usage
+ [2014-01-03T16:02:12Z] ekkelett no, linode is good, and I've been recommended to them before.
+ [2014-01-03T16:01:56Z] ekkelett fair enough :)
+ [2014-01-03T16:01:02Z] ekkelett that is a viable alternative, although it does give me somewhat more limited space and bandwidth - even though I would have much more control, and setting things up would be a breeze compared to running within the confines of a shared user environment.
+ [2014-01-03T16:00:16Z] ekkelett hmm, yeah jaybe, I thought about digital ocean, as I already have one droplet there for bouncing and misc playing around whenever I need it
+ [2014-01-03T14:42:35Z] ekkelett otherwise, if I was content with _only_ static content, it's not a bad thought, penibelst
+ [2014-01-03T14:42:18Z] ekkelett (available => publicly/privately executable)
+ [2014-01-03T14:42:04Z] ekkelett I'd very much like to use plugins, and occasionally I write little php snippets that I want to make available
+ [2014-01-03T14:41:37Z] ekkelett It's luring, but.. I would be too restricted.
+ [2014-01-03T14:38:37Z] ekkelett on a somewhat off-topic... topic: any good host recommendations? I've used shared hosting at dreamhost for the last 7/8 years, but I'm thinking about changing now that my billing is about to recur
+ [2014-01-03T14:37:22Z] ekkelett that could actually have solved this issue as well.