latest 10 messages by elnuno

+ [2017-03-12T16:51:40Z] elnuno gotta go, good luck :)
+ [2017-03-12T16:48:35Z] elnuno benzrf: how do the android github apps solve that issue?
+ [2017-03-12T16:39:43Z] elnuno
+ [2017-03-12T16:39:19Z] elnuno benzrf: I think lots of apps auth to oauth from client side, no?
+ [2017-03-12T16:38:45Z] elnuno benzrf: what is the issue with going the oauth way without a backend?
+ [2017-03-12T16:19:23Z] elnuno Нет
+ [2017-03-12T09:16:11Z] elnuno yes it can:
+ [2017-03-12T09:14:11Z] elnuno lorenzo: but it seems it would work like you said for users that don't have the extension ->
+ [2017-03-12T09:08:20Z] elnuno
+ [2017-03-12T09:08:15Z] elnuno lorenzo: ISTM it'll download (and upload) the assets when/if you need it. And if you don't need to tinker with them (say, a quick clone to show code to someone) you can skip downloading them