latest 10 messages by emporio

+ [2015-08-13T11:51:56Z] emporio irctc218: attn
+ [2015-08-13T11:51:42Z] emporio Can someone please assist in finishing my WP plugin, I'm almost there
+ [2015-08-13T11:50:58Z] emporio
+ [2015-08-13T11:50:44Z] emporio a branch?
+ [2015-08-13T10:21:56Z] emporio does anyone want to help finish off my plugin? I can upload the project to github, it's just about done
+ [2015-08-12T19:51:57Z] emporio is anyone good with WordPress here?
+ [2015-08-11T17:02:30Z] emporio momo_: good, where from?
+ [2015-08-11T16:58:47Z] emporio All good ?
+ [2015-08-11T16:56:28Z] emporio hey all