latest 20 messages by enitiz

+ [2014-12-23T06:56:02Z] enitiz thanks for the heads up
+ [2014-12-23T06:55:54Z] enitiz being a messy typer, i must have done something like
+ [2014-12-23T06:53:53Z] enitiz thanks Seveas
+ [2014-12-23T06:53:48Z] enitiz i must have set the url wrong for the remote
+ [2014-12-23T06:53:31Z] enitiz whoo.. my mistake
+ [2014-12-23T06:51:14Z] enitiz
+ [2014-12-23T06:50:34Z] enitiz strange, its working
+ [2014-12-23T06:47:11Z] enitiz just to check again. i'll a try new repo.
+ [2014-12-23T06:45:50Z] enitiz i see
+ [2014-12-23T06:44:22Z] enitiz i'm using https
+ [2014-12-23T06:43:36Z] enitiz nope, direct connection. also, one other repo is doing fine.
+ [2014-12-23T06:41:56Z] enitiz
+ [2014-12-23T06:39:59Z] enitiz i'm trying git push -u origin master itself
+ [2014-12-23T06:39:39Z] enitiz Seveas, just a moment
+ [2014-12-23T06:36:28Z] enitiz * Trying
+ [2014-12-23T06:36:28Z] enitiz * Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
+ [2014-12-23T06:36:28Z] enitiz * Couldn't find host github in the .netrc file; using defaults
+ [2014-12-23T06:36:26Z] enitiz these are some logs
+ [2014-12-23T06:33:34Z] enitiz but while attempting a git push, nothing happens
+ [2014-12-23T06:33:18Z] enitiz i just made a new project