latest 20 messages by eren

+ [2014-12-21T16:45:36Z] eren Seveas: thanks for checking
+ [2014-12-21T16:45:29Z] eren the problem seems to be solved
+ [2014-12-21T16:45:26Z] eren by pushing index.html again
+ [2014-12-21T16:45:20Z] eren Seveas: oh yeah, I needed to initiate page generation again
+ [2014-12-21T16:29:47Z] eren any help is appreciated
+ [2014-12-21T16:29:38Z] eren it's a plain html website
+ [2014-12-21T16:29:30Z] eren however, I still see 404 page
+ [2014-12-21T16:29:25Z] eren and I also have ALIAS, which points to
+ [2014-12-21T16:29:18Z] eren folks, I've updated my dns entries. My domain's A record points to:
+ [2014-08-19T14:24:18Z] eren would be useful for researchers or trusted persons to have more priviledge
+ [2014-08-19T14:23:46Z] eren I just implemented rate limiting in my API using redis. I've gone beyond simple rate limiting to support specific count and window options for users or ip. If I add setting for user or ip on URL, it respects that rule ^.^
+ [2014-08-17T16:19:05Z] eren I love LaTeX, my eyes are really happy when they see it
+ [2014-08-17T16:18:51Z] eren or use LaTeX
+ [2014-08-17T16:18:32Z] eren lol
+ [2014-08-17T16:18:11Z] eren luto: well, my eyes always find superscript version
+ [2014-08-17T16:16:47Z] eren hm
+ [2014-08-17T16:14:02Z] eren for github markdown, btw
+ [2014-08-17T16:13:49Z] eren I tried to find unicode character for them but couldn't find it
+ [2014-08-17T16:13:35Z] eren how can I use superscript for 1st, 2nd, 3th etc?
+ [2013-08-20T12:39:20Z] eren :)