latest 11 messages by ericandrewlewis

+ [2015-11-25T23:21:28Z] ericandrewlewis jaybe: thank you, your direction has been invaluable :D
+ [2015-11-25T23:19:53Z] ericandrewlewis i have a desire to describe the list somewhere explicitly( e.g. menu_list = [page1,page2]), but I can see how your solution this fits into jekyll's data model more cleanly
+ [2015-11-25T23:17:59Z] ericandrewlewis and perhaps sort them according to the weight, and skip the items that perhaps don't have the weight set...?
+ [2015-11-25T23:16:22Z] ericandrewlewis And iterate over them in liquid to place them on my homepage, and use it in the menu navigation on other pages.
+ [2015-11-25T23:15:31Z] ericandrewlewis I have 10 pages in my site, I would like to choose three and put them in my arbitrary order.
+ [2015-11-25T23:14:13Z] ericandrewlewis how should I approach this in liquid templates / jekyll?
+ [2015-11-25T23:13:56Z] ericandrewlewis I'd like to create a custom ordered list of posts.