latest 9 messages by ericnoan

+ [2017-03-05T18:52:05Z] ericnoan ok nm, i found it
+ [2017-03-05T18:51:00Z] ericnoan twidi: can you paste your full enpoint? :) i just get not found
+ [2017-03-05T17:39:54Z] ericnoan ok, i'll try it
+ [2017-03-05T17:23:30Z] ericnoan twidi: the /commits endpoint needs a sha1 signature, right? then i'd have to call /repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs/head first right to get the actual sha1
+ [2017-03-05T17:15:44Z] ericnoan thanks, twidi
+ [2017-03-05T11:27:04Z] ericnoan is that the only way to get the number of commits?
+ [2017-03-05T11:26:49Z] ericnoan anyways, im also interested in getting the number of commits to a repo, but so far I can't see a simple way to get it, i'd need to use the "/repos/:owner/:repo/stats/contributors" endpoint, and add all the contributers commit count together
+ [2017-03-05T11:25:35Z] ericnoan yes, but that also includes the open pull requests. i figure i need to count which issues have the "pull_request" value and subtract them from the count
+ [2017-03-05T00:30:07Z] ericnoan can I get the total number of open issues with the github API? i know i can get every issue and count them, but that's kinda overkill