latest 20 messages by est31

+ [2016-09-14T21:00:34Z] est31 lets hope that feature gets added
+ [2016-09-14T20:42:22Z] est31 hello, is there a way I can turn off this "projects" feature for my repositories?
+ [2015-09-19T13:50:07Z] est31 baxx, google for "git change remote url"
+ [2015-09-19T13:38:10Z] est31 it should select the whole "darwin" category
+ [2015-09-19T13:37:55Z] est31 e.g. links like this:
+ [2015-09-19T13:37:01Z] est31 hi, there, are links to multiple line selections really broken?
+ [2015-09-18T13:49:43Z] est31 if you do git clone its http based
+ [2015-09-18T13:49:23Z] est31 then its shell based
+ [2015-09-18T13:49:19Z] est31 if you do git clone
+ [2015-09-18T13:48:55Z] est31 codeamend, it depends on how you have set up your git remote
+ [2015-09-18T12:28:16Z] est31 aspiers, do you know "grep -r"?
+ [2015-09-18T12:26:59Z] est31 (add "blob", paths etc)
+ [2015-09-18T12:26:35Z] est31 like
+ [2015-09-18T12:26:01Z] est31 aspiers, try doing a search, results will link you to the last indexed commit
+ [2015-09-18T12:25:43Z] est31 aspiers, idk
+ [2015-09-18T12:25:30Z] est31 aspiers, yes
+ [2015-09-18T12:22:02Z] est31 but this way when you get asked even when you force push to your own local fork of a project? no thanks
+ [2015-09-18T12:21:31Z] est31 I could somehow understand if github regocnized that you have a repo with a large number of people who can push to, and then asks the repo admin whether to enable branch protection
+ [2015-09-18T12:20:26Z] est31 also, github asks me for branch protection even at my own repos
+ [2015-09-18T12:19:57Z] est31 this is the policy in a project I am member of