latest 20 messages by exezin

+ [2016-08-08T18:48:01Z] exezin because then /blog/index.html somehow ends up pointing to my /index.html which is my static page
+ [2016-08-08T18:47:40Z] exezin baseurl also fucks up the rest of the site
+ [2016-08-08T18:45:07Z] exezin this is fucking stupid :/
+ [2016-08-08T18:43:57Z] exezin same problem either way
+ [2016-08-08T18:43:29Z] exezin base_url is set to blog/
+ [2016-08-08T18:43:22Z] exezin sass_dir is set to blog/_sass
+ [2016-08-08T18:42:59Z] exezin lots of build warnings about layouts being missing or something
+ [2016-08-08T18:42:45Z] exezin yeah I did
+ [2016-08-08T18:42:16Z] exezin and I'm getting loads of jekyll warnings about not finding files (even though they appear to exist)
+ [2016-08-08T18:42:06Z] exezin it now seems to run properly locally, but the css looks all fucked up
+ [2016-08-08T18:41:56Z] exezin I moved the config and gemfile to the root dir
+ [2016-08-08T18:40:18Z] exezin what am I missing? :/
+ [2016-08-08T18:36:26Z] exezin oh and my config is named '_config.yml'
+ [2016-08-08T18:35:46Z] exezin currently everything related to jekyll is in the /blog subdir
+ [2016-08-08T18:35:38Z] exezin yeah
+ [2016-08-08T18:35:35Z] exezin hm, are there files that I need in the root dir?
+ [2016-08-08T18:34:31Z] exezin in config.yml
+ [2016-08-08T18:34:26Z] exezin That's all
+ [2016-08-08T18:34:22Z] exezin base_url: /blog/
+ [2016-08-08T18:34:14Z] exezin There arent any