latest 20 messages by eydaimon

+ [2014-07-28T01:24:39Z] eydaimon used FreeBSD before osx
+ [2014-07-28T01:24:14Z] eydaimon fetch is present in all the BSD's afaik
+ [2014-07-28T01:23:45Z] eydaimon I don't use wget. More disturbing to me is that they left out fetch
+ [2014-07-28T01:13:52Z] eydaimon it can really be a piece of shit os sometimes
+ [2014-07-28T01:13:27Z] eydaimon anyway, thanks for helping
+ [2014-07-28T01:13:24Z] eydaimon what a PITA
+ [2014-07-28T01:13:02Z] eydaimon or maybe it's that I downloaded the EV Root CA certificate again from
+ [2014-07-28T01:12:21Z] eydaimon maybe accessing it through firefox is the magic trick
+ [2014-07-28T01:12:05Z] eydaimon now it works
+ [2014-07-28T01:12:00Z] eydaimon well, I'll be
+ [2014-07-28T01:11:13Z] eydaimon restarting chrome again
+ [2014-07-28T01:10:56Z] eydaimon ok, something happened. curl now works
+ [2014-07-28T01:10:16Z] eydaimon github on firefox works
+ [2014-07-28T01:10:04Z] eydaimon no, going to try that next
+ [2014-07-28T01:09:50Z] eydaimon trying firefox
+ [2014-07-28T01:09:48Z] eydaimon I can't access github at all on safari
+ [2014-07-28T01:07:08Z] eydaimon difference between looking removed and being removed
+ [2014-07-28T01:06:25Z] eydaimon "may not look removed"
+ [2014-07-28T01:04:07Z] eydaimon restart keychain access?