latest 20 messages by fdelacruz

+ [2014-08-22T17:30:40Z] fdelacruz jaybe thanks for your help btw
+ [2014-08-22T17:15:12Z] fdelacruz looking at different themes to get an idea
+ [2014-08-22T17:14:47Z] fdelacruz is it customary to put your css there in _base.scss?
+ [2014-08-22T17:13:51Z] fdelacruz but it is part of the default template/theme
+ [2014-08-22T17:13:10Z] fdelacruz which gets loaded by css/main.css
+ [2014-08-22T17:12:24Z] fdelacruz eventually i figured out it was in _base.scss
+ [2014-08-22T17:11:31Z] fdelacruz it took me hours to figure out where to change the margin-bottom of my post title and links
+ [2014-08-22T17:10:25Z] fdelacruz i'm still getting to know the jekyll structure
+ [2014-08-22T17:08:52Z] fdelacruz jaybe which file?
+ [2014-08-22T17:03:21Z] fdelacruz i check _syntax-highlighting.scss
+ [2014-08-22T16:56:30Z] fdelacruz is there any way to get rid of the invisible scrollbar on code?
+ [2014-08-20T22:14:18Z] fdelacruz but that shows up in my navbar
+ [2014-08-20T22:14:07Z] fdelacruz i put a in my _pages folder
+ [2014-08-20T22:13:38Z] fdelacruz hi, how do I get a page to show say when an email is sent>
+ [2014-08-20T16:39:11Z] fdelacruz i followed the instructions in the jekyll site to set it up and it works just that numbers seem to point to wrong links
+ [2014-08-20T16:38:12Z] fdelacruz im having a minor issue with pagination