latest 20 messages by fdhgdh

+ [2015-03-11T05:10:30Z] fdhgdh {% if page.lang == "en" %}<li id="langEN"><a href="/en/{{ active }}.html"></a></li>{% endif %}
+ [2015-03-11T05:08:36Z] fdhgdh {% if page.lang == "en" %}<li id="langEN" class="currentlang"><a href="/en/{{ active }}.html"></a></li>{% else %}<li id="langEN"><a href="/en/{{ active }}.html"></a></li>{% endif %}
+ [2015-03-11T05:08:27Z] fdhgdh {% assign active = %}
+ [2015-03-11T05:08:25Z] fdhgdh I found a "dirty" way to do it, but there must be a better option.
+ [2015-03-11T04:30:06Z] fdhgdh What I would like to do is to change {{ page.url.(THIS)[page.lang] }} dynamically.
+ [2015-03-11T04:27:28Z] fdhgdh In my layout I have translated my urls - url: about: lv: /index.html en: /en/index.html ru: /ru/index.html. As I understand {{ page.url.about[page.lang] }} will change href="" depending on language defined in ---lang: --- tags.
+ [2015-03-11T04:21:20Z] fdhgdh Suggestions?
+ [2015-03-11T04:20:48Z] fdhgdh Can someone help me with this? I'm trying to change href="" depending on and page.lang. Something like this - {% if page.lang == "en" %}<li id="langEN"><a href="{{ page.url.([page.lang] }}"></a></li>{% endif %}
+ [2015-03-10T18:03:36Z] fdhgdh I have defined url.about and t.about in default layout - url: about: en: /en/index.html ru: /ru/index.html , t: about: en: "About me" ru: "Обо мне"
+ [2015-03-10T17:59:32Z] fdhgdh result is <li><a href=""></a></li>
+ [2015-03-10T17:58:05Z] fdhgdh thanks
+ [2015-03-10T17:58:03Z] fdhgdh Can someone explain to me, why this is not working? {% if page.lang == "en" %}<li><a href="{{ page.url.about[page.lang] }}">{{ page.t.about[page.lang] }}</a></li>{% endif %}.
+ [2015-02-26T17:45:47Z] fdhgdh Hello. Can someone point me to a good information on, how to filter posts by categories. Thanks.
+ [2015-02-12T09:55:04Z] fdhgdh _config.yml ?
+ [2015-02-12T09:43:06Z] fdhgdh What I am trying to accomplish, is to have a separate file with all the translations for my multi language blog (buttons and navigation). When I "jekyll serve", data from translation file is imported in default(layout) meta data, ---( here)---.
+ [2015-02-12T09:31:14Z] fdhgdh At the moment I'm getting this error YAML Exception reading /****/user/*/***/jekyll/****/_layouts/default.html: (<unknown>): found character that cannot start any token while scanning for the next token at line 2 column 2
+ [2015-02-12T09:29:26Z] fdhgdh I'm trying to include translation.html file in "meta tags".
+ [2015-02-12T09:27:56Z] fdhgdh Can I use {% include %} to import data between --- --- tags?
+ [2015-02-11T21:46:56Z] fdhgdh Thanks for the link, will try to sort this thing out :)
+ [2015-02-11T21:38:42Z] fdhgdh Maybe I was not clear. I'm trying to filter my posts by language. For users using "en" site, to be able to see only posts in english, and for people using "lv" to see only information in latvian. At the moment I see all the posts. <ul class="entries"> {% for post in site.posts %} <li> <a href="{{ post.url }}"> <h3>{{ post.title }} {{ | date: "%F"}}</h3> </a> </li> {% endfor %}</ul>