latest 7 messages by ferqwert_

+ [2013-12-15T22:56:08Z] ferqwert_ i think i'll die without knowing it
+ [2013-12-15T22:12:34Z] ferqwert_ example at gives me a Generating... error: NaN
+ [2013-12-15T21:57:35Z] ferqwert_ it would be really awesome to have pagination inside my category pages... but the normal 'paginator' thing doesn't seem to do the trick
+ [2013-12-15T21:55:31Z] ferqwert_ works good when posts, but when i try {% for post in[page.category] %} breaks
+ [2013-12-15T21:55:03Z] ferqwert_ i generate my own category pages, but don't know how to paginate those
+ [2013-12-15T21:53:50Z] ferqwert_ would have a question about pagination