latest 16 messages by fishpatrol

+ [2013-08-23T03:50:10Z] fishpatrol sorry, should i put on a dunce cap?
+ [2013-08-23T03:47:12Z] fishpatrol so liquid is only about content, not layout?
+ [2013-08-23T03:43:40Z] fishpatrol true. i'm not ready to start coding it from scratch, though. how much might i need to work in liquid?
+ [2013-08-23T03:40:23Z] fishpatrol about a third of my visitors are from mobile devices, so a responsive site seems worth attempting, even if it isn't twitter
+ [2013-08-23T03:39:30Z] fishpatrol apple gives shows a primary genre. would still want global site search, but the shows have an organizing scheme built in
+ [2013-08-23T03:38:08Z] fishpatrol i've also tried to read a bit about people using twitter bootstrap to design responsive layouts. i get to the word "compile" and the room starts to spin
+ [2013-08-23T03:35:05Z] fishpatrol right. it's the every-show-gets-a-page that would generate about 4,500 pages
+ [2013-08-23T03:34:02Z] fishpatrol i'd also like to create a page for every show, so if you just wanted to watch for a deal on GoT, you'd have something to bookmark
+ [2013-08-23T03:33:23Z] fishpatrol the site is mainly a one-page list of all discounted shows and a blog of daily updates. i'd like to keep a rolling archive of the previous 10 posts or so.
+ [2013-08-23T03:32:05Z] fishpatrol i have a site called that lasts price drops for hd tv shows on itunes. i'm generating html on the backend, so pasting it into the source pane of a cms seems like a waste.
+ [2013-08-23T03:29:58Z] fishpatrol yeah i was telneting in from a vax terminal when i started. if only i'd kept working in the command line
+ [2013-08-23T03:28:13Z] fishpatrol sure, sorry, dusting off some very old IRC skills/etiquette
+ [2013-08-23T02:49:36Z] fishpatrol If I were building a site with, oh, say, 5,000 pages of simple content (it's a site about TV shows), would it be crazy to try to use Jekyll for it?
+ [2013-08-23T02:48:58Z] fishpatrol I'm new to Jekyll, seeing it mostly described as a blogging platform.