latest 6 messages by floppy

+ [2014-07-21T14:42:39Z] floppy hey guys - anyone know if it's possible to include markdown inside layouts? Trying to use kramdown;s {:toc} tag…
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:17Z] floppy {{ site.pages | map: "layout" | array_to_sentence_string }} gives me the expected output (all page layouts, in a sentence), so I know the layout property is right
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:17Z] floppy {{ site.pages | where: "layout", "page" }}
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:17Z] floppy I'm trying to use where, and it's just not filtering anything at all
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:16Z] floppy can anyone suggest where I'm going wrong here?
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:09Z] floppy anyone know if it's possible to use markdown in layouts? I would like to use kramdown's {:toc} to generate a table of contents for each page, but not have to have it in each page separately.