latest 20 messages by fluffypony

+ [2015-07-07T20:42:25Z] fluffypony so you can modify them, just credit the author
+ [2015-07-07T20:42:17Z] fluffypony but the icons on are mostly Creative Commons
+ [2015-07-07T20:42:06Z] fluffypony you don't always find an icon out the box that works
+ [2015-07-07T20:41:56Z] fluffypony also learn to use Illustrator or similar for SVG editing
+ [2015-07-07T20:41:09Z] fluffypony
+ [2015-07-07T20:40:58Z] fluffypony also Font Awesome
+ [2015-07-07T20:40:33Z] fluffypony
+ [2015-07-07T18:50:27Z] fluffypony thanks so much, jaybe, I really appreciate it
+ [2015-07-06T15:10:23Z] fluffypony calling it anything else (that isn't a reserved word / existing variable) fixes that
+ [2015-07-06T15:10:05Z] fluffypony so you're trying to force it to use something that exists
+ [2015-07-06T15:09:57Z] fluffypony "page" is literally the name of something that exists
+ [2015-07-06T14:42:33Z] fluffypony for each menu item
+ [2015-07-06T14:42:16Z] fluffypony in the included file you'll probably need to use Liquid to check a variable's value
+ [2015-07-06T14:41:48Z] fluffypony that's an interesting challenge