latest 20 messages by fluxsource

+ [2015-06-03T07:28:21Z] fluxsource I resisted using spaces instead of tabs for ages, but I've seen the light now
+ [2015-05-15T23:04:30Z] fluxsource I've got a work around for my current use case, but I guess it could be useful elsewhere
+ [2015-05-15T23:04:05Z] fluxsource for multi-argument ifs?
+ [2015-05-15T22:52:21Z] fluxsource
+ [2015-05-15T22:49:25Z] fluxsource only a vague implication that boolean algebra "wasn't great"
+ [2015-05-15T22:48:06Z] fluxsource that's why I'm looking for it!
+ [2015-05-15T22:48:02Z] fluxsource stevecrozz: the problem is that I don't know what the documentation should say for the things I'm looking for
+ [2015-05-15T21:00:47Z] fluxsource how does everyone cope with the appalling state of the liquid documentation?
+ [2015-05-15T17:05:52Z] fluxsource while I'm here, how do I get jekylls asset pipeline to use my config.rb when compiling Sass?
+ [2015-05-15T16:05:55Z] fluxsource not quite - it's seems to only be regenerating CSS
+ [2015-05-15T15:42:52Z] fluxsource adding that file to the exclude directive in _config.yml seems to have solved it - haven't discovered any side effects yet
+ [2015-05-15T15:42:27Z] fluxsource looks like the .jekyll-metadata is being modified when any file is rebuilt, which is triggering another regeneration, and another... ad infinitum
+ [2015-05-15T15:41:41Z] fluxsource using the 3.0.0 beta 4
+ [2015-05-15T15:41:04Z] fluxsource jaybe: was asking the general question first - done some more digging now...
+ [2015-05-15T15:15:28Z] fluxsource alternatively, any way to see what file is triggering the regeneration?
+ [2015-05-15T15:14:59Z] fluxsource anyone had a problem with --watch continuously regenerating? This is with a stripped down auto-generated site
+ [2015-03-18T21:31:11Z] fluxsource I don't know about that I'm afraid - I've never looked at photoswipe
+ [2015-03-18T21:26:15Z] fluxsource check out
+ [2015-03-18T21:24:41Z] fluxsource there's no magic data binding, or concept of models at all