latest 18 messages by flyinprogramer

+ [2015-01-04T02:46:53Z] flyinprogramer because we only ever copy files to the folder which is the branch; we never actually purge old files:
+ [2015-01-04T02:45:16Z] flyinprogramer sadly, it is still here:
+ [2015-01-04T02:44:53Z] flyinprogramer and with this commit: README should have disappeared from our gh-pages branch
+ [2015-01-04T02:44:27Z] flyinprogramer so in theory when you did a release of 2.5.3 you cut a release of the site to update gh-pages with the contents of 'site' with this commit:
+ [2015-01-04T02:43:03Z] flyinprogramer i found a bug in your gh-pages release script
+ [2015-01-04T00:36:35Z] flyinprogramer i suspect the 'home' -> 'index' mapping is going to cause me some stumbling if i want to contribute anything i come up with back, but idk -- it'll be a fun puzzle
+ [2015-01-04T00:33:37Z] flyinprogramer yeah its cool how its used to generate the nav bars (both mobile and non-mobile) - its just a little silly that we can't use it for the 'prev' and 'next' nav at the bottom which uses this data here:
+ [2015-01-04T00:28:22Z] flyinprogramer its frustrating that we have to keep track of page order into two places:; and as metadata in the page -- i wonder if i can DRY that up :/
+ [2015-01-04T00:27:06Z] flyinprogramer honestly i was just wondering if i was missing something obvious
+ [2015-01-04T00:26:44Z] flyinprogramer fair enough - just makes a lot of 'bloat' in the site buildout - not that it really matters though
+ [2015-01-04T00:23:21Z] flyinprogramer obviously i'm getting into dangerous territory using this feature, but i like the way the jekyll documentation is built out and was thinking of scripting up a quick little generator to make it simple to use in some home grown documentation of stuff
+ [2015-01-04T00:21:23Z] flyinprogramer right i guess my questions is why use permalinks? for example why was this chosen: /docs/home/index.html over /docs/index.html; or maybe a better example is: /docs/quickstart/index.html over /docs/quickstart.html ?
+ [2015-01-04T00:11:17Z] flyinprogramer anyone here a 'collection' master ? i'm trying to understand why the jekyll site opted to use their permalink feature for docs instead of not using it...