latest 5 messages by fouDuBassan

+ [2014-09-30T16:04:34Z] fouDuBassan Thank you jaybe. I went through all the pages and made it work again.
+ [2014-09-30T14:28:59Z] fouDuBassan then... what's the point to have a base href=".."?
+ [2014-09-30T14:27:37Z] fouDuBassan jaybe, I have to update in .css too?
+ [2014-09-30T14:27:06Z] fouDuBassan Funny thing is that I developped scripts in bash/awk and switched to ruby for this only...
+ [2014-09-30T14:15:02Z] fouDuBassan Hi. It's been 2 years that I didn't check a jekyll-generated source. And with the update yesterday, things broke. Before, any link not beginning by / was considered as relative. It seems that I have to preceed them by {{ site.url }}/ Is that correct?