latest 20 messages by fox_mulder_cp

+ [2016-03-05T20:23:12Z] fox_mulder_cp fergatron: u can't say about posts in the feature
+ [2016-03-05T20:05:11Z] fox_mulder_cp and works when approot/_posts located
+ [2016-03-05T20:02:22Z] fox_mulder_cp but i have a /$lang/_posts dir in my app root, and it works for me
+ [2016-03-05T19:59:37Z] fox_mulder_cp u must create at root dir and put in it code, such as '{% for site.posts %}'
+ [2016-03-05T19:58:43Z] fox_mulder_cp fergatron: '_' is mark, that this file/folder and be parsed
+ [2016-03-05T19:56:59Z] fox_mulder_cp fergatron: why u can't create posts? u can't name of file as 'yyyy-mm-dd' and put content in it?
+ [2016-03-05T19:54:20Z] fox_mulder_cp and what u can't mean from it? i think, that jekyll is very easy to use
+ [2016-03-05T19:53:37Z] fox_mulder_cp fergatron: u read official doc?
+ [2016-03-05T19:52:14Z] fox_mulder_cp write posts at markdown, write pages, find theme and have a profit
+ [2016-02-29T21:43:55Z] fox_mulder_cp spudowiar: i set one global theme for site, yes
+ [2016-02-29T21:41:30Z] fox_mulder_cp some themes on one site - bad way...
+ [2016-02-29T21:39:32Z] fox_mulder_cp why u need array of layouts dir? what case of?
+ [2016-02-29T21:38:44Z] fox_mulder_cp spudowiar: i see your github link
+ [2016-02-29T21:37:29Z] fox_mulder_cp spudowiar: why u need a some layouts dir?