latest 7 messages by frank_o

+ [2015-03-23T08:49:58Z] frank_o Nevik: Cool, thanks man
+ [2015-03-23T08:07:43Z] frank_o GitHub went unresponsive so I accidentally pressed the `Create public Gist` button one too many times
+ [2015-03-23T08:06:30Z] frank_o Good morning! Any staffers around today? Got an account blocked by accident on friday, have been unable to work since then :-)
+ [2014-10-17T19:41:42Z] frank_o Hi! How does one search through commit messages?
+ [2014-10-09T22:32:52Z] frank_o VxJasonxV: thank you so much :)
+ [2014-10-09T22:20:03Z] frank_o Cool. What about forkers then?
+ [2014-10-09T22:19:05Z] frank_o Hi! Say my repo has 5,000 stars -- is there a way to send a message to everyone who's starred it? Ie. "we are looking for maintainers" etc.