latest 20 messages by frdmn

+ [2016-04-05T21:51:35Z] frdmn okay, nevermind - thank you guys
+ [2016-04-05T21:51:30Z] frdmn normal commit showed up, signed one didnt
+ [2016-04-05T21:51:24Z] frdmn well, I could have sworn it was not there... even created a test repository to reproduce the issue
+ [2016-04-05T21:50:50Z] frdmn wtf
+ [2016-04-05T21:49:55Z] frdmn and doesn't show up in the frontend at all. unless you open it "directly" via url:
+ [2016-04-05T21:49:28Z] frdmn I added my GPG keys in my profile, pushed a signed commit, and now that commit broke the whole commit list
+ [2016-04-05T21:48:56Z] frdmn hello! I just stumbled across a severe bug.
+ [2015-08-21T09:18:56Z] frdmn writing a link "" becomes "branch1...branch2"
+ [2015-08-21T09:18:40Z] frdmn you can link to it manually ([a link to a branch](/_user_/_project_/tree/_branch_)) or use the comparision method
+ [2015-08-21T09:18:22Z] frdmn DrSlony: not possible at the moment
+ [2015-08-21T06:23:03Z] frdmn :)
+ [2015-08-21T06:23:00Z] frdmn GNU GPL v3
+ [2015-08-21T06:22:48Z] frdmn and was a bit confused why I (anonymous user) can do it as well
+ [2015-08-21T06:22:32Z] frdmn well, I thought maybe its supposed for the project maintainers
+ [2015-08-21T06:22:08Z] frdmn even though I am not the original author?
+ [2015-08-21T06:22:00Z] frdmn I just found a project on google code and I was wondering if it's okay if I export it to github
+ [2015-08-21T06:21:05Z] frdmn goodmorning
+ [2014-11-03T14:59:44Z] frdmn *for
+ [2014-11-03T14:59:05Z] frdmn fredrikhl: no I mean a simple activity view for gists, like we already have fore github (non-gists):
+ [2014-11-03T14:21:46Z] frdmn 3. why no references to other gists?