latest 20 messages by fredrikhl

+ [2016-12-08T11:16:31Z] fredrikhl aspiers: i would think that anyone you set up to review your pr would be set up as an assignee, though
+ [2016-12-08T11:14:40Z] fredrikhl aspiers: err, neven mind, that's not what you meant
+ [2016-12-08T11:14:00Z] fredrikhl aspiers: «You can also see a list of people who you are awaiting review from in the pull request page sidebar, as well as the status of reviews from those who have already left them.»
+ [2016-08-16T08:51:52Z] fredrikhl indistylo: memory limits for killing the workers (memory_limit_min, memory_limit_max, see
+ [2016-03-07T14:09:42Z] fredrikhl has an AAAA-record
+ [2016-03-07T14:09:05Z] fredrikhl IPv4 vs IPv6?
+ [2015-01-08T13:17:14Z] fredrikhl hasn't looked at jenkins in a while
+ [2015-01-08T13:16:58Z] fredrikhl you probably have to restart jenkins as well when up/downgrading the module, but i'm not sure
+ [2015-01-08T13:16:14Z] fredrikhl mst___: ah, don't remove everything, just /tmp/.git and /tmp/hudson*
+ [2015-01-08T13:14:57Z] fredrikhl other than that, i don't really know
+ [2015-01-08T13:14:45Z] fredrikhl Also, clean up your /tmp folder when you upgrade or downgrade the module
+ [2015-01-08T13:13:53Z] fredrikhl mst___: Try with the git plugin > v1.8.1. If that doesnæt work, i'd try v1.8.0. There's apparently some big change in 1.8 → 1.8.1 that matches some big change in git
+ [2015-01-08T13:10:43Z] fredrikhl mst___: Well, that doesn't mean they are compatible. Also, make sure you remove any /tmp/.git folders after changing anytihing
+ [2015-01-08T13:09:30Z] fredrikhl mst___: Check that the git version that jenkins is linked to ("path to git" in "system config") and the jenkins git plugin (under "manage plugins") are compatible
+ [2014-12-12T12:42:18Z] fredrikhl heh, i agree about the sanity, but if it supports perms, it'll probably set the filemode to "true"
+ [2014-12-12T12:38:12Z] fredrikhl twinings: ah, the core.filemode is a bit odd - it ignores the global, and sets it to the default "true" if you use a sane file system, if i remember correctly.
+ [2014-12-12T12:33:08Z] fredrikhl twinings: but these are settings for git itself -- the repo does not contain these settings
+ [2014-12-12T12:32:17Z] fredrikhl twinings: you can set it in your global git gonfig
+ [2014-11-03T14:58:12Z] fredrikhl frdmn: If you want to create an altered version of a gist, you can fork it. Then there'll be a reference to the gist you forked from (if that's what you want).