latest 20 messages by frenda

+ [2016-07-27T15:06:03Z] frenda maybe something has changed o_O
+ [2016-07-27T15:05:36Z] frenda Remram: I'm tracing things
+ [2016-07-27T14:49:47Z] frenda Woops! it's working well on another repository! What has happened to this one?! O_o
+ [2016-07-27T14:47:59Z] frenda Now I see a GPG key section in github settings that should be probably a new feature! Should I add a gpg key too?
+ [2016-07-27T14:47:07Z] frenda It was working well untill last week
+ [2016-07-27T14:46:47Z] frenda Remram: ssh-add?! I have generated a pair-key and added the .pub key to github couple of months ago. (id_rsa and
+ [2016-07-27T14:41:02Z] frenda while I have not change anything; it was working around 1 week ago
+ [2016-07-27T14:40:36Z] frenda Why I get this error:
+ [2016-07-27T14:40:29Z] frenda hi there
+ [2016-04-19T21:02:13Z] frenda jhass: really thx
+ [2016-04-19T20:57:47Z] frenda may you put the codes into ' ' or grave accent. I'm a bit confused.
+ [2016-04-19T20:57:11Z] frenda jhass
+ [2016-04-19T20:57:08Z] frenda then git fetch upstream; git checkout -b new_thing upstream/master for a new branch and git fetch upstream; git rebase upstream/master to refresh the current branch
+ [2016-04-19T20:51:30Z] frenda Ah,
+ [2016-04-19T20:50:21Z] frenda jhass: Does it destory my edits in the folder that I'm working?! (Upstreaming)
+ [2016-04-19T20:40:39Z] frenda I was thinking ignoring other parts somehow and just forking a folder!
+ [2016-04-19T20:39:56Z] frenda each time that*
+ [2016-04-19T20:39:44Z] frenda I mean, each I want to pull request my work, my repo is older than the original repo!
+ [2016-04-19T20:39:00Z] frenda Is there a way to just fork* that folder, not the entire project?!
+ [2016-04-19T20:38:24Z] frenda of an app*